Available NOW on ftp://gaea.kgs.ukans.edu/incoming/EudoraPOP.sit.hqx and ftp://newton.uiowa.edu/submissions/EudoraPOP.sit.hqx A simple POP 3 Server for Macs Copyright © 1994, John Schettino - js12@gte.com All Rights Reserved. This is an AppleScript 1.1 script showing how to serve mail using the POP 3 protocol and TCP/IP. You will need AppleScript 1.1, Eudora 2.1 and the TCP/IP Suite Vers 1.1.2 Copyright © 1993Ü1994, Atul Butte. All Rights Reserved. It is available in ftp://gaea.kgs.ukans.edu/applescript/osaxen Installing: Open the file using the script editor and set the following values: property username: "somename" -- set to your user name property password: "somepass" -- set to your password property boxName: "For Newton" -- set to your Eudora mail box containing mail for LunaMail set the username to match the value in LunaMail used in the connect script's user name field set the password to match the password field set the boxName to the name of the mail folder in Eudora you want to dump to LunaMail Save as a stay open, never show startup screen application. Setting up LunaMail: Make a service that has the In Box script set to connect to your mac via telnet. Example telnet ^3 110 Running: You can run the script all the time, or just when you want to transfer mail. When not connected, it uses very little CPU time. Whenever LunaMail connects, ALL the messages in this mailbox will be sent to the Newton. You will have to manually delete these messages from Eudora once the transfer is complete. I can change this so that once a message is transferred it is marked as read, but for now this works very well. I use it to transfer messages I move into this mailbox to the newton. NOTE: Only the In box is supported, some day I'll write the SMTP server :) to support the Out Box. Email comments, bugs, feature requests, and spare change to: js12@gte.com