1.01 - Better 2.1 keyboard support with default buttons - Return key on hardware kbd presses enter 1.0 - Blank Screen bug fixed 0.9b5 - Fixed problems with certain versions of Witness failing 0.9b4 - Fixed a bug that caused games to save incorrectly if YAZI was started "cold" 0.9b3 - Slightly different save format saves even more space - Minor cursor bugs fixed - Ballyhoo's "follow midget" bug fixed - Edit popup cloning problem fixed - Restart games problems fixed 0.9b2 Big Change: New save file format reduces memory problems while saving/restoring. This new format is transparent to the end user. If you've been having problems with the saving, you can either erase the save files, or, simply restore and then resave those files. New save files will take up much less room (3-4k each vs. 16-25k). This will help the memory problems. - Allowed return key on keyboard to press the virtual return key in game - Only words longer than two characters are entered into the AGAIN slot - Using a new compressed save file format to minimize memory problems on save 0.9b1 - Initial Public Beta