newtopia introduces . . . Positronic Poetry v0.8b 2.11.99 - - - - - - - - - - - - Introduction Positronic Poetry is a Newtonized version of the magnetic poetry I've always been too cheap to buy for my fridge. Select a word source, and Positronic Poetry scatters a slew of words around the screen for you to drag and drop at your muse's whim. Poetry has never been so nerdy. - - - - - - - - - - - - Features Positronic Poetry contains no words of its own. Instead, it depends on Positronic Poetry parts -- Newton extensions that contain a range of words. Five such parts are included with this distribution: Brooks, Dickinson, Ferlinghetti, Heaney, and Lorde. Each contains a sampling of words that struck us as represenative of our five favorite poets. New Positronic Poetry Parts are easy for anyone with a copy of NTK to create. (I'll try to put together an API soon.) Once you've installed Positronic Poetry and a part or two (or five), launch the package and tap "New." You'll see a pop-up menu containing the names of all installed parts, plus three additional selections: "potluck," "shuffle," and "clear." Tap the name of a part to generate a random sampling of words from that part. Tap "potluck" to use words picked at random from your Newton device's built-in dictionary. Tap "shuffle" to shuffle the words currently on screen. Tap "clear" to clear the screen entirely. You can adjust the number of words that are generated by tapping the "i" button and selecting "Prefs." You will see three sliders: o "poet's words" refers to the words unique to a given part o "common words" refers to common pronouns, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, and conjunctions o "articles and endings" refers to "a," "an," "the," "s," "er," and the like You can also add your own words by selecting words in other Newton applications, dragging them to either side of your Newton device's screen (the clipboard), and then dragging them from the clipboard onto the Positronic Poetry screen. (This hasn't worked so hot on certain Newton devices, but it sure works smashingly on mine.) By the same token, you can remove words by dragging them to the clipboard. Later I'll work on a way to save poems, either within Positronic Poetry itself or as an export to the Notes application. - - - - - - - - - - - - Thank the Author Positronic Poetry is free, and is admittedly not yet a finished product. But if you'd like to do something nice for the author, please consider sending him a postcard from your hometown. His current address is in the Newton section of the Newtopia web site: - - - - - - - - - - - - michael pohl