Boxer v1.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- copyright 1996 Stand Alone, Inc. & Erik Wiessmann NOTE: This software is for Newton 2.0 Newtons ONLY. * What's it do? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Boxer is an arcade styled action game for the Newton. * What's in this archive? --------------------------------------------------------------------- There is one Newton software package and two text files in this archive. They are: * Boxer.txt document you're now reading. 'Nuff said. * Boxer.pkg software package you'll install on your Newton. * SAStuff.txt A list of all Stand Alone products. * Installing Boxer --------------------------------------------------------------------- First off, you must get the Boxer software package onto your Newton. You can do this using the Newton Connection Utility (for Mac or Windows), the Newton Package Downloader, or the Newton Backup Utility. See the documentaion with each of these for more information on installing packages with them. * Using Boxer --------------------------------------------------------------------- Boxer is an arcade game for the Newton. You control the action. You will need to play around with Boxer to get the hang of it, but in given time you will be fighting with the best of 'em! Boxer is simple to play, once you get the hang of it... You must use the action box to control the boxer. It will appear in the upper right or upper left side of the screen. There are three punches: the jab, the uppercut, and the punch. The jab is the quickest but least powerful punch. The jab is used to weaken the opponent. To jab you tap on the action box where you want to jab. The punch and the uppercut are much more slow and powerful. You generally want to throw these punches to KO your opponent. Use these punches when your power is high. To punch draw a line from the bottom of the screen to the head or body. To uppercut draw a line across the screen towards the head or body. Punching is not just a matter of tapping the Newton screen. A common problem a new boxer has is that he keeps starting a new punch before the last punch follows through. If you do this you will NEVER hit you opponent. Learn the timing. There is one block. Blocking is the most important move to master. To block draw a line from the top of the screen to the bottom. The block will stay up for a few seconds or until you punch. It is almost impossible to win a match without using the block. Stats are kept at the top of the screen. On the left is you name, power, and Energy. The center displays the round and time. The right side is the Newton's stats. The power and energy bars are the key to success in boxer. The power is how hard you hit. The more power the harder you hit. The energy is how close to a knockdown you are. If you have low energy, start blocking. If your energy goes below zero, you will get knocked down. If you energy rises above zero before the count of 10, you will get up, otherwise you lose. The judge always gives the knocked down boxer to the count of eight to recover. Scoring: You will be scored each round from 0 to 3. If you go to the last round the player with the highest score will win. If there is a KO or TKO the game ends. The better your punch/hit ratio vs. amount of punches the better your scored each round. If you can knock you opponent down you will get a high score, no matter how sloppy the rest of the round is. KO: Knock your opponent down and keep him down for the count of ten for a KO. To ensure a KO, get his energy down to near zero with jabs. Then punch him with full power. TKO: Knock him down 3 times for a TKO. You need not punch hard if you are going for a TKO, just jab often. Punching: Punching is not just a matter of tapping the Newton screen. A common problem a new boxer has is that he keeps starting a new punch before the last punch follows through. If you do this you will NEVER hit you opponent. Learn the timing. The key to Boxer is to keep his stats down and yours up. To do this you should get your stats up. It is a hopeless battle to get his stats down if you are not in good shape. To get your stats up, just keep up your block for a while. Once you are at full power you should block until he throws a punch, counter this with three or four jabs. Repeat until he is weak. Once your opponent is weak start punching hard to KO. The weaker he is the more he will block, so you want to hit him when he has some power. * Registering Boxer --------------------------------------------------------------------- You have a 30 day trial period in which to examine Boxer, during which it will function fully. Should you wish to register, you'll need to do one of the following: * Call us and pay using Visa or Mastercard. We can give you a password right over the phone: instant gratification! (312) 477-2492. * Send us a check for $20 to the address below. * Using CompuServe, GO SWREG #10543. However you register, PLEASE be sure to include an email address (it's not vital, but it will result in MUCH speedier service) and your name, as entered in the Owner Info section of your Newton. This is used to generate the password we send you to unlock Boxer, so it has to be exact. * Contacting us --------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding Boxer, or any other Stand Alone Newton application, please don't hesitate to contact us: Email: internet: (<-- preferred) AOL: Std Alone CompuServe: 76342,3057 Phone: Voice: (312) 477-2492 Fax: (312) 477-2579 Regular Mail: Stand Alone 3171 N. Hudson, Suite 1 Chicago, IL, 60657, USA World Wide Web: * Version History --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 April 11, 1996 First public release