This is the version history for PocketMoney. It is in a separate file because it is long. Most users will just install the current version and start from there. -------------------- Version History -------------------- 3.0.1: 11/06/98 - Fixed bug when choosing Transaction = Transfer and Payee = ??? which gave the wrong popup for the Payee - the accounts now show. - Fixed 'a' bug for popups that happened on MP120s and MP130s, but not MP2x00s. - Fixed filing slip bug which didn't show the store the transaction was stored on. - Fixed the folder button updating of the diamond so you know what store the item is on - When you switch folders PocketMoney goes to the last one instead of the first 3.0: 9/17/98 - Fixed date bug in Filter 3.0b4 : 9/5/98 - added the plug in reports directly into PocketMoney and updated them for NOS 2.x - Works with MoreInfo 3.0b3 : 8/12/98 - Recurring slip will keep Dates in Agenda view and not force it to Day view - updated projects so they are the same as my main test project file (fixes the -48809 error when tapping Date picker) - added the PIN slip for the password screen - added a bold and large font for the double line overview screen 3.0b2 : 8/3/98 - changed compile flag to compile under NOS 2.1 (so kKeyCommands is defined) 3.0b1 : 7/29/98 - Rewritten to support NOS 2.0 and NOS 2.1 only. - Takes advantage of the full screen - Has keyboard support (hold down the Apple key to see what is supported - Support Recurring Transactions in Dates. COOL! - The Running Balance is FAST! It is an option in the balance popup of the single entry view now too. - ExCHANGE has option to only upload New transactions. - ExCHANGE can handle newer QIF formatted files (with multiple accounts included in one file) - ExCHANGE uses the same export and import format for tab delimited files 2.1.6 : 4/21/98 (LAST VERSION TO SUPPORT NOS 1.x) - fixed the bug ( -48807 (missing variable)) which prevented users from deleting accounts with existing filters 2.1.5 : 10/15/97-2/18/98 - the PocketMoney soup icon "PM Entries" is removed when PocketMoney is uninstalled - the Payee popup for Category = "" doesn't show all payees any longer. It only shows payess associated with "" category. This also allows the user to edit the blank categoried payees. - when an Account is deleted then its custom filter is deleted too - finance quick slip is now uses radio buttons to set the transaction type - the amount input line in the finance quick slip removes spaces in the numbers 2.1.4 : 6/14/97 - two small changes in the Japanese Localization file 2.1.3 : 6/11/97 - adjusted password screen so it opens over top of PocketMoney when in rotated mode ontheMP2000 - special cased the HourMinute selection in the Date Popup so for Japanese HourMinute which returns "11:32am" instead of "11:32 am" 2.1.2 : 6/6/97 - saved to notepad realigns data if off the screen - added a japanese translation - print works if PocketMoney opens the overview 2.1.1 - 5/8/97 - several smaller bugs which were created in 2.1 were fixed. 2.1 - 4/28/97 - splits open moved to the top of the category popup - better internal support for Japanese and other foreign versions - preference to always save data on the internal store - ability to use file and move data via the Extras drawer Storage icons - using new words (more money oriented) for german withdrawal and deposit - finance slip posts a withdraw for atm fees for transfers - added support for distributors to have a 30 day demo version - "Include Fee" updates the running balance correctly. - balance window's save to notepad feature trims extra space before copying to the notepad. - ExCHANGE 1.2w included with the ability to download data from the desktop -- it can download QIF transaction files and QIF category files. - Separated WildCat from the distribution of PocketMoney so users don't have to download WildCat everytime PocketMoney changes - just when WildCat changes. - updated versions of NotifyAssist and ScrollMenus which work on MP2000. 2.03 - 12/29/96 - fiddled with things to make it work with italian PocketMoney better. - fixed -48204 bug if the first thing you ever do in PocketMoney is try to reconcile an account. - added <>Balance popup in overview so users can see overall balance when in single line mode. - amount is rounded to the nearest decimal whenever the xrate is changed. - accounts should use proper currencies even if not in multicurrency mode. - Accounts Prefs>New... automatically creates custom filter for users. 2.02 - 12/29/96 - WildCat 1.01 for Mac 1. Fix AppleTalk bug we discussed. 2. Port list is now dynamic, offering ports user has on his Mac (in the system's language) 2.01 - 09/4/96 - fixed "Include Fee" bug in ID popup 2.0 - 08/01/96 - added PocketMoney 2.0 splash screen - fixed bug in ExCHANGE related to uploading of data 20gm1 - 7/16/96 - fixed bug when transferring money between accounts of two different currencies - using new icon for PocketMoney - finance slip is faster 20f12 - 6/26/96 - new check behavior has been modified again - ExCHANGE data formatting bugs fixed (account is uploaded in TDF and the date is the transaction date) - transfers do not require that the ID be the same on both halves of transfer - fixed bugs in exchange rate/amount calculations - balance picker hilites when tapped on - PocketMoney Button plug ins have separate names so multiple copies can be loaded - Wildcat's version has been set to 1.0 (Appletalk name is macintosh name not "my computer" and serial connections should work in German) - blank account names will not be added to the popup 20f11 - 6/17/96 - fix incompatibility with Bills To Pay - fixed printing bugs?? MP120s might still run out of memory so they should restart with packages deactivated - fixed bug when displaying total worth for multiple currencies - fixed bug...prefs>default>accounts show all accounts again - fixed bug...posting from MPG to PocketMoney when the mpg item is filed - fixed truncation problem in the account balance screen (accounts will not span more than one line) 20f10 - 6/4/96 - fixed Password screen bug - fixed updater bug (account information is copied from 2.0f8 and earlier versions correctly - fix check number bug. 2.0f9 - 6/2/96 - Account Prefs soup stores account information instead of system soup (faster, less memory) - Balance popup display "Demo Mode = $xxx" - Smart Payee entry...if category is picked and only one payee for that category then it is automatically entered - New Check# gives explaination for first check# starting at 0 and tells user to manually enter their check number the first time - New Check only looks at withdrawals and transfers for withdrawals and only at deposits and transfers for deposits (if using from within PocketMoney- does not apply to finance slip) - CheckBalanceLevels happens in FinanceSlip as well as any PostReal() calls - PostConfirm() function added as part of the FPS - The account type will not be reset to blank if it has been updated to 2.0f6 or better already. - Using Class slot to determine type of transaction (PocketMoney:VtHick.withdraw, PocketMoney:VtHick.deposit, PocketMoney:VtHick.transfer). This will allow it to work with Revelar Connection Utilities - IANoDate.pkg and IADate.pkg have been updated to tell PocketMoney to confirm transactions before they are saved to PocketMoney - Added kCommercial constant to avoid nag screen 2.0f8 - 4/21/96 - fixed find from overview bug - filter toDate is inclusive - credit limit & minimum balance based on absolute balance and not cleared balance - PostReal (GetPayeePayer) creates Category soup if needed - fixed problems with IA.pkg not working on NOS 2.0 - included Windows version of WildCat - fixed exporting of tab delimited files from ExCHANGE. 2.0f7 - 3/20/96 - fixed bug in :GetCurrency --- so Post to PM would work for the PQ->PM convertor - Show button is shaded when filter is active - fixed filing last item in untitled folder bug 2.0f6 - 3/14/96 - password screen delays until PM is finished opening - Germans can use Array editor - fixed alignment of Add to Payees in Prefs - fixed New Account label - Rate Editor was corrected. - screen refreshes correctly when scrolling - fixed bug creating new entries from overview - fixed bug -48402 related to upgrading from earlier versions - password screen is shown when the accout balances is shown from PocketButton - password screen is not displayed when PM is the background app - overview view always in preference - fixed Rollup bug - ** ROLLUP ** is added to the notes section of Rollup entries. - new account entry slip goes away if you tap out side of the box. 2.0f5 - 2/14/96 - running balance warning was removed - PM_Connect can be used with Mac or Windows and can export TDF or QIF files - filter bug -48402 error fixed - not yet bug -48406 error fixed (get those registrations in) 2.0 - 12/7/95 - * split transactions * multiple currencies * account preferences * account limit warnings * takes advatage of some Newton 2.0 features * switch overview formats from the overview * payee's popup based on current category * editable ID# popup * expense and account reports * account and cleared balances calculate total worth for accounts you specify. 1.5 - 5/30/95 - * created plug-ins for NCK support, Intelligent Assistant support * PocketButton 2.0 (Button plug-in) installs in the Notepad and gives a quick data entry slip able to instantly get your balances * added prefs item to "xxx" out amounts * added prefs item to open the "Account Balance" screen on opening * fixed German date editor and 24 hour date editor * removed Category index to avoid getting -48025 and -10606 errors * supports Letter by Letter everywhere HWR setting in the prefs 1.41 - 3/17/95 - * fixed obscure Transfer/Date/Move to Card bug * other half of transfer is created correctly if can't be found * fixed bug in 1.4 where NCK was displaying 0's for the amount will not open finance entry slip if category is missing from posts (this fixes the quick flash that some users experience with QuickPocket) 1.4 - 3/7/95 - * updated PM-FPS support * fixed bug in Assist code for transfers * round numbers when doing a reconcile 1.37 - 1/11/95 - * fix bug in importing Quicken data into PM * NCK will import Reconciled and Cleared items from QIF files * added Register support (can register PM with credit cards) 1.36 - 12/22/94 - * fix bug in overview * fix bug in exporting from PM to Quicken * removed debugging message when you moved an entry back and forth between stores. 1.35 - 12/16/94 - * add indexes to one soup at a time * If you post from MPG it updates the balance correctly * trans from label will update correctly when doing 2 transfers in a row. * Date To filter doesn't creap ahead a day at a time anymore * -48009 fixed when using Find to delete all found items * new transactions default to the filtered category then the prefs category * fixed bug in search names * fixed bug of overview allowing you to scroll back past the current filtered set * fixed bug when trying to remove more than one category * FIND from the overview now finds the items, but gives can't display error message. I will fix this in the next version. The Work-around is not to FIND when the overview is open, but to go to the entry view and do the find. 1.34 - 11/29/94 - * fixed corrupted popup lists from (1.32) * New Feature - when you Recompute Balances all categories found will be added to the category popup. This will allow you to import Quicken categories. * The Recompute Balance function has been optimized. It is about 10 times faster. * Category index added. This speeds up the editing of the category popup. * Date Editor am-pm bug fixed * Welcome To PM screen will be displayed on first launch of PM after a reset. * Search Names Button works again * Account Balance will not display balances >$0.005 and < -$0.005. 1.33 - 11/11/94 - * fixed bug (in 1.32) that adds multiply edits to popups * New Feature - Sorts Amount Numberically not alphabetically 1.32 - 11/10/94 - * fixed bug that unregistered users where having * distributing PocketMoney is 3 separate parts (app, docs, xtras) 1.31 - 11/7/94 - * I forgot to turn off one of my debugging messages. This version will not show the "Saved" message. 1.3 - 11/7/94 - I know I said 1.3 was going to have printing (it doesn't), but I needed to release it as a bug fix and I could include enough new features that I didn't think it deserved a 1.24. * date editor works with 24 hour clocks (French Canadian and German) * pref for use current entry date for new entries * new check (id#) will work even if it is not within the current filter. * mailing support * filing of items mysterious unfiling bug is fixed * support for new version of ScrollingDoPopup * myLocale.pkg included and supported * PocketMoney Search works with partial words 1.23 - 8/31/94 - * fixed bug in Find All 1.22 - 8/30/94 - * fixed bug that wouldn't let you export qif files * fixed bug that wouldn't let you change the labels in nck 1.21 - 8/29/94 - * added QIF importing support (you can import Quicken files into PM now) 1.2 - 8/29/94 - (released to public) * changed some field widths, plus all beta changes for 1.2 * add other half of transaction if it is not found * to/from popup in filter is sorted and duplicates are removed * little find pig icon is fixed * moved left side of notes over 5 pixels * edit me value will be updated before counting takes place in array editor * save the current entry before reconciling accounts * Duplicate now scrolls screen & sound instead of using delete sound * fixed problem where popups wouldn't work without K2Popup installed * hidden functions (goto first, last, and date are now in the action button) * the black diamond will change to a hollow diamond if names are found in a names search * updated the manual * popup lists scroll * Assist support for specific template * added [ i ] button moved about, prefs, bals., and to here * added recompute balances to the evelope button * made the to/from larger for data entry * NCK support builtin * password protection added * overview can scroll a full page - 1 * added Posting Standards support. * New Check # - does not look at deposits. Only withdraws and transfers. * Added Credit Card# and Debit Card# to id popup. * Go to current date instead of the last entry. * Store filters in prefs. * fixed the date editor not showing up if user clicked on the black diamond * amount popup is now editable * amount and from/to popup editors do not allow you to change it will always you wish to remove or add the item * Intelligent Assist support to be able to work with Assistance by Bill Kearney * added button - will sum the amounts for all items found works faster than the running balance for calculating * Find support added * added pocketmoney finder icon 1.02 - 7/20/94 - (released on cis) * to/from is 2 lines tall * do not show accounts with zero balances in the [Bal.] Account Balances screen * added name finder icon * fixed bugs with the date and transfers * message screen tells when it is recalcing running balance * can select the first character in the notes field 1.01 - 6/14/94 - (released on internet) * can use either date picker or a date&time picker * updates balances when an item is put away after receiving a beam 1.0 - 6/12/94- * first public release 1.0b - 5/13/94 * first beta release