List Tools 1.1 (with Lists Slurping) adds add functionality to the Notepad Outlines and Checklists of Newton 0S 2.0. It also adds tools for sending and recieving lists to and from a desktop computer over "Slurpee" (a wonderful shareware program by Steve Weyer) List Tools 1.1 adds the following items to the action "envelope" button: 1. Delete Checked (checklists only). deletes all entries in the checklist that are checked; 2. Delete Family. deletes the current topic and its family. (same as scrubbing the current topic, but much morepredictable); 3. Collapse all. hides all topics below the highest level throughout the checklist or outline; 4. Expand Outline. shows all topics 5. I.A.1.a. ("Harvard" outline numbering). Inserts outline prefixes in standard Harvard format. The renumbering is not automatic-if you add topics or move them you need to reselect this to the correct numbering; 6. 1,2,3 ("Legal" outline numbering). Inserts outline prefixes in "legal" format (1,2,3 for the top level, then 1.1, 1.2 for subtopics of 1, 1.2.1 for first subtopic of section subtopic of first main etc). For single level checklists this is just 1, 2, 3. The renumbering is not automatic-if you add topics or move them you need to reselect this to the correct numbering; 7. Undo: appears only immediately after one of the above and undoes. The normal Newton Undo will say there is nothing to undo. These items only show up if the action button applies to an outline or checklist. In addition, if Slurpee is presently open, the action button for a Note, List or Checklist will have an additional item: Send. The text of the note or a text representation of the outline or checklist will be send over Slurpee to your desktop computer. Conversely, if Slurpee is open and you tap a note, there will be another item, "Convert". This will turn a text representation of an outline or checklist into a new outline or checklist and move to it. To use Slurpee this way, open the program, connect to a terminal program on your desktop computer (see Slurpee's instructions), and shrink Slurpee by clicking the "Inspector" checkbox. Drag Slurpee to a convenient place. To send notes or outlines, now just go to the note, tap the action button and select send. To recieve notes on the Newton, select "new note" from the notepad's "new" button, tap in the note to get a cursor and then type or paste the new note into your terminal program on the desktop (or use its "send file" feature on a text file containing the note). The text is transferred to the new note. If you wanted to transfer an outline or checklist, and the note is in the proper form, tap the action button and then tap "Convert". A popupmenu gives you the choice of a new outline or a new checklist. Pick one. A new checklist or outline will appear in the notepad containg the text you downloaded. "Proper form" means: The first line has no tabs (it becomes the title), each other line begins with at least one tab. The number of initial tabs determines the level. (This is the way List Tools converts an outline for sending and is similar to the way the "show text" function in email would show the outline. Some terminal programs may recieve tabs as spaces, so watch out when you send an outline back to the Newton that originally came from the Newton.) List Tools is c. 1995-6 by me (S. Millman). It is freeware. Comments or questions can be sent to me at or ============PLEASE READ BEFORE USING======================= OPERATION: List Tools is no longer self-installing. After you load the package you must open it and tap install. The action button changes are now ready. Once you manually install, List Tools will self-install on subsequent restarts unless you reopen List Tools and tap remove. Do not freeze List Tools. ============================================================= OTHER NOTES: 1. If you remove List Tools, you may have to reset. You should always call up List Tools and tap the "Remove" button first. You probably should reset even if you don't have immediate problems. 2. The new icons are by Kevin O'Shea (O'Shea#m#_Kevin@msgate, Looking at his, I'm amazed at how bad my were. I did a little judicous cropping to avoid overlap. The icons were even better before the cropping. 3. Renumbering: the renumbering engine that does the Harvard and Legal numbering in List Tools is far more capable than these two items show. A general user-controlled numbering scheme needs much more interface than I felt like writing. However, if you have a particular numbering style that you think a lot of folk would be interested in, I can put it in. 4. List Tools is really only half of my Outlining tools package. The other half, called Tribble, is also freeware, and substitutes for the normal topic buttons. It puts three small buttons at the top of the screen instead and hides Apple's big, and moving, buttons. If you like List Tools, you might try it. 5. Undo works the way it does because I couldn't get the normal Newton undo to agree that anything had happened. If you know why and care to explain it to me, I'd appreciate it. And I'd fix List Tools if possible.