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EETransfer Off-line documentation

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Updated 97/06/24 ReceiveRaw

Receive a file using no protocol.

* blockSize
type: integer
default value: 1024

Do not modify this option unless your typical file size is less than "blockSize". See the "stopTimeout" for more information.

* charset
type: symbol
possible values: defined in the file "EERecodeConstants.f"
default value: kMacOSCharset ('mac)
Defines which characters set is used for the file.

This information is used to convert or show the file.

* clientAppSymbol
type: symbol
default value: nil
AppSymbol of the application which intends to use this file.
If clientAppSymbol equals nil, the appSymbol of the application currently running the script will be used, so you will seldom have to override clientAppSymbol default value.

Note: if a file conversion occurs (see the "fileName" option), the clientAppSymbol slot may be ignored by EETransfer.

* convertTextFiles
type: boolean
default value: nil
If the file name ends with ".txt", and "convertTextFiles" is set to true, the file is considered as a text file and is converted into a Newton text object.
Otherwise, the file is not converted.

* fileName type: string or nil default value: nil
If the file name ends with ".pkg", the file is considered as a package.
If the file name ends with ".pct", the file is considered as Macintosh PICT file and is converted into a Newton picture.
If the file name ends with ".nso", the file is considered as a NewtonScript Object file and is converted into a Newton object.
Otherwise, the file is considered as a text file and is not converted.

* startTimeout
type: integer default value: 60000
An integer specifying the time, in milliseconds, that the Newton will wait for the first block of data before aborting the reception.

* stopTimeout type: integer default value: 5000
An integer specifying the delay, in milliseconds, that the Newton will use to consider that the file reception has ended: if not data have been received for stopTimeout milliseconds, the file will be considered as succesfully received.

Note: If the size of the file is less than the size of a block, "startTimeout" will be used instead "stopTimeout".

* transport type: frame default value: nil

The transport must always be EETransfer.

Note: Before the script executes itself, the global variable "transport" is automatically set to EETransfer. So if you don't use a slot "globalSymbols" you don't have to (and you should not) provide a slot "transport". Otherwise, the "globalSymbols" slot must contain a slot:
transport: 'transport,
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