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EETransfer Off-line documentation

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Updated 97/06/24 ConnectAppleTalk

Launch an AppleTalk connection, then pause as soon as the Newton is connected. When its execution is resumed, it disconnects.
For more information about the following options, read the Newton AppleTalk documentation.

* attentionBufferSize
type: integer
default value: 0

* endpoint type: Newton endpoint
This slot is returned by the instruction. Its initial value is ignored

* listen
type: boolean
default value: nil

* listenTimeout
type: integer
default value: kNoTimeout (0)
An integer specifying the time, in milliseconds, that the system should allow for the Newton to listen. If you use this slot, specify an integer greater than 30.

* nbpAddress
type: string or nil
default value: nil

* nbpName
type: string or nil
default value: nil

* nbpType
type: string or nil
default value: nil

* nbpZone
type: string or nil
default value: "*"
Note: nil is the same as "*".

* receiveBufferSize
type: integer
default value: 511,

* sendBufferSize
type: integer
default value: 511,

* transport
type: frame
default value: nil
The transport must always be EETransfer.
Note: Before the script executes itself, the global variable "transport" is automatically set to EETransfer. So if you don't use a slot "globalSymbols" you don't have to (and you should not) provide a slot "transport". Otherwise, the "globalSymbols" slot must contain a slot:
transport: 'transport,
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