QF Works Scroller QF Works Scroller is Copyright 1997, PelicanWare, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Release Notes -- May 29, 1997 ================================= The QF Works Scroller is a plug-in extension for QuickFigure Works which, when installed, will appear in the Tools popup. Opening it brings up a small floating slip with a 4-way scroller. This scroller lets you easily scroll the worksheet in any direction in one cell increments. The QF Works Scroller is freeware, and may be freely distributed, as long as no charge (other than normal connect time) is assessed, and this readme file is included in it's entirety. Compatibility Notes =================== This tool is compatible with the Newton 2.0 OS or better. It requires QuickFigure Works (any version). In theory, it will also work with QuickFigure Pro 3.1 or greater, but it's redundant (QF Pro has a 4-way scroller built into the status bar). Known Discrepancies =================== None Contacting PelicanWare ================ This tool is provided as-is. PelicanWare, Inc. makes no warranties of any kind, implied or otherwise. We do not provide support for this tool. However, if you have suggestions or comments, you may contact us at the following addresses: Internet: support@pelicanware.com America Online: PelicanInc CompuServe: 70540,2422 Visit our CompuServe forum: GO NEWTVEN. Also, check out our WWW page at: http://www.pelicanware.com. We plan to post the latest information about updates, questions and answers, and new tools.