QSort 0.1 ReadMe 9/7/94 Introduction ============ QSort is a sample application which shows the principles of creating QuickFigure Tools. The application takes the selected data from QuickFigure and sorts them, using the Newton's built-in array sorting function, and returns them to QuickFigure. The QSort Tool included with QuickFigure is based on this sample, although it has been expanded greatly. This application (and all other QuickFigure Tools) requires QuickFigure Pro version 2.1 or greater, or QuickFigure Lite version 2.1 or greater. Key Features ============ QSort shows how to implement a ddxScript in your application. It also shows how to implement QuickFigure tools as auto-parts, so that they do not take up space in the extras drawer. The Project Data file code may be used as a template for creating other QuickFigure Tools. Warnings ======== This application is meant as a sample, only. There is no guarantee that it, or the techniques demonstrated within it will work with future Newton models, or with future versions of QuickFigure Pro. Also: 1. This app doesn't do a very good job of validating data. If you have a cell with a formula included in a range you sort, the formula gets changed into a value. It would probably be better (and more complex) to use :getFormula() to check if any of the cells have a formula. The QSort Tool included with QuickFigure is much better at validating data than this sample! 2. You can also run into problems with strings when doing numeric sorts.