GPS Tool ReadMe-- Developer =========================== 3/3/95 Introduction ============ The GPS Tool is an example of a QuickFigure Tool which receives data through the Newton's serial port and adds it to a QuickFigure worksheet. Testing The GPS Tool ==================== The Trimble ScoutMaster GPS outputs a string in comma-delimited format. This string contains position information, number of satellites being received, and various other info. The ScoutMaster sends data at 9600,n,8,1. To simulate being connected to a ScoutMaster, open a terminal program and set it for 9600,n,8,1. Also, open the "Sample GPS Data" file in a text editor. Connect the Newton, and open QuickFigure Pro. Tap on "Tools" and "GPS Tool" in QuickFigure Pro, and paste one line of sample data into the terminal program. Note that the GPS Tool will time out in 30 seconds if no data is received. Notes ===== 1. The timeout situation is not handled very well in this demo. If the user opens the GPS Tool, and then closes it (either by getting the data or by cancelling), and then reopens it within 30 seconds, the timeout function will close it when 30 seconds has passed. 2. Always check the latest PIE DTS Q&A documents and sample code before starting on a serial project. The code for the endpoint in this sample works, but I don't think it's up to date with current Apple dogma. Comments and suggestions on this sample code are much appreciated! Written by Don A. Vollum. Thanks to Arthur Woo of Trimble Navigation. The GPS Tool is copyright 1994-1995 PelicanWare, Inc. All Rights Reserved.