======================================================================= = Nick's HexDez V1.3 (c) 1998 by logic tools, Nick MŸller, MŸnchen = ======================================================================= See my home page for other fine stuff... HexDez is freeware and can be freely distributed, as long as this text is included. File-list: ========= HexDez1X: HexDez for OS 1.X HexDez20: HexDez for OS 2.0 Readme.txt: This text Short.txt: short description Liesmich.txt: This text in german Kurz.txt: Short description in german What is Nick's HexDez: ==================== HexDez can convert between the four bases binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal. Furthermore HexDez can interpret signed decimals as 1's and 2's complement. The numbers have to be positive (except for 1's and 2's compl.), the biggest representable number may not exceed 64 bits. You do have the choice between online convertion and convertion upon request. The base to convert from is the one with the most recent input. The settings for source and destination-base are saved at program-termination. There is a special keyboard for your convenience. Why another hexadecimal converter: ================================ 1) It was a little project for learning NEWTON-programming. 2) I don't know of any program (running on the Newton) that offers conversion between the four bases and that handles 64 bit numbers. 3) Handling is simpler than on most pocket-calculators. 4) Someone has stolen my HP-16C 5) Programming is fun, especialy for the Newton! Handling: ========= Should be clear! Just in case, some hints: - You should enter hexadecimal numbers in lowercase. By double-tabbing onto the entry-line (this only for OS 2.0, with OS 1.x, only via the keyboard-button), you get a specialized keyboard. If you do have OS 2.0, entering hex-numbers should be no problem, even in capitals, thanks to the better character-recognition. The Apple-guys did a real great job! - Senseless entries are ignored. Letters looking similar to numbers are converted to the numbers they (might) represent (that are I, l, O, o). - Converting bigger numbers is a bit chewy. Under settings (yes, the neat little wrench if you use HexDez1X) you can switch off online-convertion. When online-convertion is off, there is another neat button ("Go") that starts the convertion. - If you are working with 1's and 2's complement, the setting for the bits is important. In all other cases, the setting has no influence (except for the range-check). Why is HexDez so slow: ====================== The internal integer-arithmetic is not capable of handling positive numbers bigger than 31 bits. So I had to write my own BCD-package (Binary Coded Decimals). With the first working code, it took more than 30 seconds to divide a 20-digit number. Now it's 0.7 seconds. That's why HexDez is fast. As soon as the C++ compiler for the Newton is out, there will be a (hopfully) much faster version. Outlook: ======== If there are enough requests, I'm gonna put some more effort in it. Possible extensions are: - MSB, LSB, byteflipped, Intel, pointer-representation ... If you do have further suggestions, let me hear. Btw, I don't fear any praise. System requirements: ==================== There should be two versions in the archive: HexDez1X and HexDez20. As you might have expected, HexDez1X is for OS 1.x, and HexDez20 is for OS 2.0. If you do have OS 2.0, you should not use HexDez1X, as it doesn't fully support your Newton's capabilies. Nick's HexDez1X is tested under OS 1.1 on a MessagePad and OS 2.0 on a MP120. HexDez20 is testetd under OS 2.0 on a MP 120 HexDez20 supports the "rotate" command. Change history: ============== Vers. 1.2 -> 1.3 Some minor changes, like new email-address Vers. 1.1 -> Vers. 1.2 Entering octal numbers was not possible. Vers. 1.0 -> Vers. 1.1 Version how splitted into a OS 1.x and a OS 2.0 branch. I'm not so shure, whether there will be another OS1.x related version. - dropping a number (for example out of the calculator) onto the input-line no longer crashes, nor displays a "double overlayed" number - OS 2.0 support for landscape-mode (not for HexDez1X) - info-button now 2.0-style (not for HexDez1X) - small display in the upper right corner showing currently selected number of bits - possibility to select 8 bits. e.g. now supports 8/16/32/64 bits - signed 1's and 2's complement representation. - clock-button is gone. "un-2.0-ish" (only for HexDez20) - keyboard-button added (double-tab still there in OS 2.0 version) - setting for display-font (required for large numbers), only OS 2.0 - more compact code, saves space - Under OS 2.0 the input carret is now visible. Contact: ======== Nick Mueller, logic tools, Munich, Germany e-mail: Nick@LogicTools.de home page: www.LogicTools.de legalese: ========= Nick's HexDez is freeware. That means it can be redistributed (together with this text), but can not be sold. If the media the software is on is sold, you need my written permition! The program is as it is. All usage at your own risk. I am not liable of any damage, neither direct nor indirect. NEWTON, OS 1.1, OS 2.0 and other names are registerd by Apple and others.