NR404: User Information
NR404 is a drum machine/beatbox for the Newton MessagePad. Features
include thirteen drum samples, variable tempo, four tracks with individual volume, and several UI shortcuts to commonly used functions.
This software is offered without warranty or support. The designers
of NR404 (see below) assume no liability for damage resulting from the
use or misuse of this product.
Redistribution via physical media (CDROM, Floppy Disk) requires advance
permission from the software designers. Otherwise, this software can be
distributed freely via the web, email, and IR beaming.
Comments, questions, suggestions, money, advice, and thanks can be directed
Steve Cronin and Francis
(1) This pull-down menu selects the Rhythm
Instrument to be played. Instruments include: Kick, Snare, Hat, RimShot,
Cowbell, Clap, Conga Hi, Conga Lo, Zap, Chord, VL1 Hi, VL1 Lo, and VL1 Snare.
(2) Checking this box puts the corresponding
instrument on every beat of the measure. To erase the pattern and start
over, tap "Silence".
(3) This pull-down menu selects the time
signature: 4/4, 3/4 (eighth-note triplets), or 2/4 (8 beats per measure).
(4) Tapping this button begins playing the
pattern. The pattern cannot be stopped or paused until all repetitions have
completed. The number of repetitions is controlled by (5).
(5) The number of repetitions can range
from 1 to 99. When composing a new pattern, it is best to set this to lower
numbers like 1, 2, or 4.
(6) This turns a Rhythm Instrument on or
off for each beat in the measure. Each dot represents a beat [1/16, 1/8T,
1/8, depending on the setting of (3)]. Note:
only one instrument at a time can be played, this is a limitation of the
Newton OS.
(7) This sets the volume of each instrument.
There are four possible levels.
(8) This sets the overall tempo of the pattern.
At very fast tempos, the pattern sometimes plays erratically. This is another
OS limitation and cannot be fixed.
Known Issues
- Instrument sounds needed to be under 50ms in duration in order for
the Newton to be able to keep accurate time. This is an OS-level issue.
- There is no Save function. If there is sufficient demand, more features
and sounds may be added at a future date.
Sample Drum Patterns
(use all settings)




© 1998 F. Preve, S.Cronin -- All Rights Reserved |