X-Port Lite for NewtCard version 2.03 Copyright(C) 1996-7 Innovative Computer Solutions You can use X-Port Lite to do the following: *) Download (import) PICT or BMP images to the Newton clipboard, so they can be pasted into a NewtCard stack. *) Upload (export) a stack which has been turned into a package by NewtCard and PackIt/PackMan. *) Download a Newton package to your Newton device. To install X-Port: +++++++++++++++ MacOS: X-Port for the Mac is a single file, which can be placed in any convenient location on your hard drive. We recommend creating a new folder and then copying the X-Port application into that folder. X-Port for the Mac requires System 7 or later. Windows: X-Port for Windows consists of one executable file and several DLLs. To install on your desktop computer, create a new folder for X-Port and copy the files from the distribution disk into that folder. You do not need to copy any of the files into a special location, and should you ever wish to uninstall X-Port for Windows you can simply delete the files - no special uninstall procedure is required. Newton: Use The Newton Package Installer, Newton Backup Utility, Newton Connection Utilities, or X-Port to download the "X-Port.pkg" Newton package to your Newton device. No further installation steps are necessary. Consult the documentation that came with your Newton device for more information on installing packages on your Newton. Configuring X-Port +++++++++++++++++ MacOS: You can connect to your MacOS computer using either an AppleTalk or Serial connection. Use the SETUP menu to choose the connection method. If you choose Serial, you also need to specify the port to which your Newton is connected (all valid ports will be listed in the menu). The "Single Receive Mode" and "Batch Receive Mode" setting is used only when receiving items from your Newton device, and controls X-Port's behavior after an item or group of items is received. In "Batch Receive Mode," X-Port will immediately begin "looking" for another connection as soon as each connection is completed - this makes it easier to leave X-Port running in the background to receive multiple files. In "Single Receive Mode," X-Port will return to the main screen after each transmission. Windows: Use the CONFIG menu to specify the port to which your Newton is connected (COM1 through COM4). The "More Time/Less Time for Background tasks" controls the amount of processing time given to other programs running on your computer. If you regularly use other applications while X-Port is sending or receiving data in the background, you should set this to "more time." Otherwise, you should leave this setting on "Less time" - this will improve transmission speed significantly. Unless directed to do otherwise by technical support, you should always leave the "Package Download Mode" set to "Serial (38400 baud)." The "Receive Once" and "Receive in Batches" setting is used only when receiving items from your Newton device, and controls X-Port's behavior after an item or group of items is received. If you select "Receive in Batches," X-Port will immediately begin "looking" for another connection as soon as each connection is completed - this makes it easier to leave X-Port running in the background to receive multiple files. If you select "Receive Once," X-Port will return to the main screen after each transmission. Exporting a Package with X-Port +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To export a package from your Newton device to the desktop: 1) Ensure your Newton device is connected to your Desktop and note the type of connection (serial or AppleTalk). 2) Launch the X-Port Lite application on your desktop and verify that the connection settings are correct (ie; the correct port is selected). 3) Press the "Receive X-Port" button and specify where you would like received file(s) to be placed. 4) Open the extras drawer on your Newton, and select the file you would like to export (consult your Newton manual for information on how to select an icon). 5) Choose "X-Port" from the routing (envelope) menu in the extras drawer, and wait while X-Port prepares the package for export. When X-Port is ready, you will be presented with a standard "routing" slip. 6) Verify and/or change the filename and connection method in the routing slip and tap the 'X-Port' button to send the item to your desktop. You may also need to select "now" from a popup menu, depending on how your device is configured. 7) The connection should proceed shortly. About X-Port ++++++++++++ X-Port Lite gives you just a small fraction of the functionality of the full version of X-Port. With the full version of X-Port, you can : *) Move text documents (both ways) between your Windows or MacOS desktop computer and your Newton device. *) Move pictures (both ways) between your Windows or MacOS desktop computer and your Newton device. Imported pictures may be placed in the clipboard, notepad, or Newton Works. Pictures may be exported in PICT or BMP format. *) Import and Export Names, Dates, Todos, Calls, and Notes. The export format for names is fully customizable by the user. *) Export Newton screen shots in PICT or BMP format to the desktop. *) Export Works documents with formatting in RTF (Rich Text) format to the desktop. *) Export notes from the notepad with formatting in RTF (Rich Text) format to the desktop. *) more! If you've ever tried to export a single note to your desktop with NCU, you'll appreciate the simplicity of X-Port. If you know how to print, you already know how to X-Port! Simply start the desktop server, and you can send Newton items right from your application's routing (envelope) menu! For more information about X-Port, or to order a copy, contact LandWare at (201) 261-7944, or on the web at http://www.landware.com .