Newton 2.0 Programming
Online Communications Course

Welcome to the Newton 2.0 Programming Online course for Communications (Beta 2). The course is divided into three modules:

(1) Communications Overview
(2) Desktop Integration Libraries (DILs)
(3) Endpoints

The documents contained in this delivery include the complete Communications Overview module, plus portions of the DILs and Endpoints modules. There are no labs or code distributed in the Comms Overview module, as it is intended to be a high-level overview of Newton communications. The modules to follow, DILs and Endpoints, contain in-depth coding samples. We welcome your feedback on this format.

We hope you will find this material useful, and we request your ideas for use in our revision process. Please send all comments and questions to Beta participants who elect to send feedback will be noted as "active" and will be notifed of new modules as they are delivered.

Thank you for your interest in Newton programming. To begin the course, click on the icon...

Newton Communications Overview

Thank you again for your participation in this beta test of materials. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best Regards,

Jennifer Dunvan
Developer Training Manager, Newton Systems Group