// Text of project AdjustoButton written on 11/20/95 at 5:49 PM // Beginning of file protoResizeApp // Before Script for "_userproto000" // Copyright, © 1994 Apple Computer. All rights reserved. _userproto000 := {maxAppWidth: 240, maxAppHeight: 336, viewSetupFormScript: func() begin local l := getAppParams(); viewBounds := RelBounds(l.appAreaLeft, l.appAreaTop, MIN(l.appAreaWidth, maxAppWidth), MIN(l.appAreaHeight, maxAppHeight)) ; end, _proto: @157 }; constant |layout_protoResizeApp| := _userproto000; // End of file protoResizeApp // Beginning of file protoAdjustoButton // Before Script for "_userproto001" // Copyright, © 1994 Apple Computer. All rights reserved. _userproto001 := {buttonHeight: 13, textSpacer: 8, viewSetupFormScript: func() begin viewBounds := RelBounds(viewBounds.left, viewBounds.top, StrFontWidth(text, viewFont) + textSpacer, buttonHeight) ; end, viewChangedScript: func(slot, view) begin inherited:?viewChangedScript(slot, view) ; if slot = 'text then :SyncView(); // SyncView causes the viewSetupFormScript to be called again, // which sets the size based on the text. end, _proto: @226 }; constant |layout_protoAdjustoButton| := _userproto001; // End of file protoAdjustoButton // Beginning of file protoAdjustoClusterButton // Before Script for "_userproto002" // Copyright, © 1994,1995 Apple Computer. All rights reserved. _userproto002 := {viewBounds: {left: 8, top: 2, right: 0, bottom: 0}, viewJustify: 8389638, viewChangedScript: func(slot, view) begin inherited:?viewChangedScript(slot, view) ; if slot = 'text then begin :Parent():SyncChildren(); :Parent():Dirty(); end end, _proto: _userproto001 }; constant |layout_protoAdjustoClusterButton| := _userproto002; // End of file protoAdjustoClusterButton // Beginning of file AdjustoButton.t // Before Script for "_view000" // Copyright © 1994 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. _view000 := {viewBounds: {top: 0, left: 0, right: 240, bottom: 336}, title: "Adjusto Buttons", _proto: _userproto000 }; Adjusto1 := {viewFlags: 1, viewFormat: 336, viewBounds: {left: 4, top: 32, right: 235, bottom: 127}, debug: "Adjusto1", viewClass: 74 }; AddStepForm(_view000, Adjusto1); // Before Script for "theText" // Copyright, © 1994 Apple Computer. All rights reserved. theText := {viewBounds: {left: 2, top: 10, right: 229, bottom: 33}, label: "Button String:", labelCommands: ["OK", "Cancel", "Only Three Words", "Suggestive Action Title"], text: "Some Initial Value", debug: "theText", _proto: @189 }; AddStepForm(Adjusto1, theText); StepDeclare(Adjusto1, theText, 'theText); theButton := {viewBounds: {left: 7, top: 71, right: 75, bottom: 83}, text: "AdjustoButton", debug: "theButton", _proto: _userproto001 }; AddStepForm(Adjusto1, theButton); StepDeclare(Adjusto1, theButton, 'theButton); _view001 := {viewBounds: {left: 68, top: 40, right: 148, bottom: 52}, text: "Update Button Text", buttonClickScript: func() begin SetValue(theButton, 'text, theText.entryLine.text) ; end, _proto: _userproto001 }; AddStepForm(Adjusto1, _view001); _view002 := {text: "Single Adjusto", viewBounds: {left: 12, top: 26, right: 88, bottom: 36}, viewFormat: 1, viewJustify: 8388614, _proto: @218 }; AddStepForm(_view000, _view002); Adjusto2 := {viewFlags: 1, viewFormat: 336, viewBounds: {left: 5, top: 141, right: 235, bottom: 303}, debug: "Adjusto2", viewClass: 74 }; AddStepForm(_view000, Adjusto2); _view003 := {viewFlags: 33, viewFormat: nil, viewBounds: {left: 0, top: 143, right: 232, bottom: 163}, viewClass: 74 }; AddStepForm(Adjusto2, _view003); Button1 := {text: "Button 1", viewBounds: {left: 4, top: 2, right: 0, bottom: 0}, debug: "Button1", _proto: _userproto002 }; AddStepForm(_view003, Button1); StepDeclare(Adjusto2, Button1, 'Button1); Button2 := {text: "Button 2", debug: "Button2", _proto: _userproto002}; AddStepForm(_view003, Button2); StepDeclare(Adjusto2, Button2, 'Button2); Button3 := {text: "Button 3", debug: "Button3", _proto: _userproto002}; AddStepForm(_view003, Button3); StepDeclare(Adjusto2, Button3, 'Button3); // Before Script for "Text1" // Copyright, © 1994 Apple Computer. All rights reserved. Text1 := {viewBounds: {left: 4, top: 8, right: 228, bottom: 28}, label: "Button 1 String:", labelCommands: ["OK", "Cancel", "Only Three Words", "Suggestive Action Title"], text: "Button 1", debug: "Text1", _proto: @189 }; AddStepForm(Adjusto2, Text1); StepDeclare(Adjusto2, Text1, 'Text1); _view004 := {viewBounds: {left: 6, top: 34, right: 86, bottom: 46}, text: "Update Text 1", buttonClickScript: func() begin SetValue(Button1, 'text, Text1.entryLine.text) ; end, _proto: _userproto001 }; AddStepForm(Adjusto2, _view004); // Before Script for "Text2" // Copyright, © 1994 Apple Computer. All rights reserved. Text2 := {viewBounds: {left: 4, top: 52, right: 228, bottom: 72}, label: "Button 2 String:", labelCommands: ["OK", "Cancel", "Only Three Words", "Suggestive Action Title"], text: "Button 2", debug: "Text2", _proto: @189 }; AddStepForm(Adjusto2, Text2); StepDeclare(Adjusto2, Text2, 'Text2); _view005 := {viewBounds: {left: 6, top: 78, right: 86, bottom: 90}, text: "Update Text 2", buttonClickScript: func() begin SetValue(Button2, 'text, Text2.entryLine.text) ; end, _proto: _userproto001 }; AddStepForm(Adjusto2, _view005); // Before Script for "Text3" // Copyright, © 1994 Apple Computer. All rights reserved. Text3 := {viewBounds: {left: 4, top: 96, right: 232, bottom: 116}, label: "Button 3 String:", labelCommands: ["OK", "Cancel", "Only Three Words", "Suggestive Action Title"], text: "Button 3", debug: "Text3", _proto: @189 }; AddStepForm(Adjusto2, Text3); StepDeclare(Adjusto2, Text3, 'Text3); _view006 := {viewBounds: {left: 6, top: 122, right: 86, bottom: 134}, text: "Update Text 3", buttonClickScript: func() begin SetValue(Button3, 'text, Text3.entryLine.text) ; end, _proto: _userproto001 }; AddStepForm(Adjusto2, _view006); _view007 := {text: "Adjusto Cluster", viewBounds: {left: 13, top: 135, right: 104, bottom: 144}, viewFormat: 1, viewJustify: 8388614, _proto: @218 }; AddStepForm(_view000, _view007); constant |layout_AdjustoButton.t| := _view000; // End of file AdjustoButton.t