Changing ProtoStatusButton Text in ProtoStatusTemplate

One of the Newton 2.x OS Q&As
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This document was exported on 7/23/97.

Changing ProtoStatusButton Text in ProtoStatusTemplate (1/15/97)

Q: I am using a protoStatusTemplate-based view and am trying to rename the primary button through the protoStatusTemplate's setup frame. After doing this, I get an exception when I tap on the renamed button. What am I doing wrong?

A: You are not doing anything wrong. There is a bug in protoStatusTemplate which will cause the primary button to function incorrectly if you do not include a buttonClickScript in the setup frame.

When you specify a frame in the primary slot of the values frame of the setup, the primary button uses the text slot and the buttonClickScript slot of that frame to initalize itself. Unfortunately, it does not check to see if either of those slots exist before trying to use them. The result is that an exception is thrown when you tap the button.

To work around this bug you must add a buttonClickScript to the primary frame. From that method you will typically call your base view's CancelRequest method.

Here is a code example:

// Add a buttonClickScript method which just calls the application's CancelRequest method.
local viewSetValues :=  {
        text: "Stop", 
        buttonClickScript: func() GetRoot().(kAppSymbol):CancelRequest('userCancel)
local viewSet := {
        appSymbol: kAppSymbol, 
        name: "The Name", 
        values: viewSetValues
// Setup the status template
statusView:ViewSet( viewSet );