Printing Does Not Have Access to My Application Slots

One of the Newton 2.x OS Q&As
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This document was exported on 7/23/97.

Printing Does Not Have Access to My Application Slots (11/27/95)

Q: Why can't I find my application slots from my print format?

A: Print format does not have direct access to your application context because it is not a child of your application, so it cannot rely on the parent inheritance chain. All viewDefs should be designed so that they do not rely on your application being open or rely on state-specific information in your application. The application may be closed, or the user may continue to work in your application while the print/fax transport is imaging.

Print format does have access to the target variable (it will contain the "body" of the data sent; don't use fields.body). Note that if mulitiple items are sent, the value of target will change as the print format iterates over the list. Try to put the real "data" for the routing in the target using the view method GetTargetInfo.

If, for some reason, you need to access slots from your application, you can access them using GetRoot().(yourAppSymbol).theSlot.