Pictures in clEditViews

One of the Newton 2.x OS Q&As
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Pictures in clEditViews (2/6/96)

Q: Is there a API or procedure that allows an application to write objects such as shapes, PICTs, or bitmaps to a note in the Notes application?

A: There is no API for Notes specifically. The Notes "Note" view is basically a plain old clEditView, and clEditViews can contain pictures (in addition to ink, polygons, and text) in the Newton 2.0 OS.

The Newton Programmer's Guide 2.0 (in the "Built-In Applications and System Data" chapter) contains a description of the types of children you can create in the Notes application.

This is really a description of the frames you need to put in the 'viewChildren slot of a clEditView to create editable items. 'para templates are text and ink text, 'poly templates are drawings and sketch ink, and 'pict templates are images.

To add a picture to a clEditView, you need to create an appropriate template and then add it to the viewChildren array (and open the view or call RedoChildren) or use the AddView method to add it to an existing view (then Dirty the view.) See the item "Adding Editable Text to a clEditView" elsewhere in the Q&As for details.

The template for 'pict items needs to contain these slots:
viewStationery: Must have the symbol 'pict
: A bounds frame, like RelBounds(0,0,40,40)
: A bitmap frame, see clPictureView docs

For other slots, see the documentation for the clPictureView view class.