How to Get ProtoSoupOverview Selections

One of the Newton 2.x OS Q&As
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This document was exported on 7/23/97.

How to Get ProtoSoupOverview Selections (10/3/96)

Q: How do I get the selected items in protoSoupOverview?

A: The final documentation inadvertantly left out the following documentation on the selected slot:

selected - Required. Initially set to nil; it is modified by protoSoupOverview as the user selects and deselects overview items.
This slot contains an array of soup entry aliases to the selected items when the overview is closed, or nil or the empty array if there is no selection. For example:
                    [[alias: NIL, 66282812, 84, "Names"], 
                 [alias: NIL, 66282812, 85, "Names"]]