Nested Frames and Inheritance

One of the Newton 2.x OS Q&As
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This document was exported on 7/23/97.

Nested Frames and Inheritance (10/9/93)

Unlike C++ and other object oriented languages, NewtonScript does not have the notion of nested frames obtaining the same inheritance scope as the enclosing frame.

This is an important design issue, because sometimes you want to enclose a frame inside a frame for name scoping or other reasons. If you do so you have to explicitly state the messages sent as well as explicitly state the path to the variable:

Here's an example that shows the problems:

myEncloser := {
    importantSlot: 42,
    GetImportantSlot := func()
        return importantSlot,

    nestedSlot := {
        myInternalValue: 99,

        getTheValue := func()
            local foo;
            foo := :GetImportantSlot();            // WON'T WORK; can't find function
            foo := myEncloser:GetImportantSlot();    // MAY WORK

            importantSlot := 12;       // WON'T WORK; will create new slot in nestedSlot
            myEncloser.importantSlot := 12;        // MAY WORK


The proper way to accomplish this is to give the nested frame a _parent or _proto slot that references the enclosing frame. Nesting the frame is not strictly necessary in this case, only the _proto or _parent references are used.