How to Keep Multiple Keyboards Open

One of the Newton 2.x OS Q&As
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This document was exported on 7/23/97.

How to Keep Multiple Keyboards Open (8/30/96)

Q: I want my protoKeyboard-based keyboard to be open at the same time as other keyboards. When my keyboard opens, it seems like any other keyboard closes. How do I keep multiple keyboards open?

A: When a protoKeyboard-based view opens, it closes the last-opened protoKeyboard-based view. However, you need not use protoKeyboard.

Instead, you can base your keyboard on a different view type (for instance, protoDragger) and use the RegisterOpenKeyboard view message to register the keyboard with the system. Using RegisterOpenKeyboard will ensure that the caret is set up properly and allows you to track the caret changes with the viewCaretChangedScript view message if desired.