Creating a Large newtEditView/newtROEditView

One of the Newton 2.x OS Q&As
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This document was exported on 7/23/97.

Creating a Large newtEditView/newtROEditView (12/2/96)

Q: When I use newtEditView or newtROEditView, I cannot scroll through all the text of a large note. After a few pages it stops scrolling. What is going wrong?

A: Both newtEditView and newtROEditView have a default scroll height of 2,000 pixels. To work around this limitation, you will need to add a slot called noteSize to your newt(RO)editView. This slot should hold an array of two elements. The first element is the scroll width. If you do not want horizontal scrolling, the scroll width should equal the view width. The second element is the scrollHeight.

Here is an example noteSize slot that you would use to create a newt(RO)EditView with a scroll height of 20,000 pixels.

    _proto:        newtEditView,
    noteSize:    [viewWidth, 20000],
