ViewIdleScripts and clParagraphViews

One of the Newton 2.x OS Q&As
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ViewIdleScripts and clParagraphViews (8/1/95)

Q: Sometimes a clParagraphView's viewIdleScript is fired off automatically. (For example, an operation which results in the creation or changing of a keyboard's input focus within the view will trigger the viewIdleScript.) Why does this happen and what can I do about it?

A: The clParagraphView class internally uses the idle event mechanism to implement some of its features. Unfortunately, any viewIdleScripts provided by developers also execute when the system idle events are processed. Only the "heavyweight" views do this, "lightweight" paragraph views (in other words, simple static text views) do not.

There is no workaround in the Newton 1.x OS or Newton 2.0 OS while using clParagraphView viewIdleScript. You can either accept the extra idle script calls, or use another non-clParagraphView based view to implement your idle functions.