Using the Icon Editor in NTK 1.6.4

One of the Newton 2.x OS Q&As
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This document was exported on 7/23/97.

Using the Icon Editor in NTK 1.6.4 (4/18/97)

Q: In the icon editor in the Project Settings slip in NTK 1.6.4 for MacOS, I don't always see all the images. Once I choose an image in any depth, the list is much shorter for the other depths, and I can't find the image I need! What's wrong?

A: All of the images in a multiple-depth icon must be exactly the same size. To help ensure that this is the case, once any image is selected in any depth, NTK limits the available choices in the other depths to images that are exactly the same size. Images from any resource files that match in size will be shown, and images of different sizes will not appear. You must edit your images "by hand" to ensure that all the images you want for your icon family are exactly the same size, padding smaller images with white pixels as necessary.