Finding the Caret In a clParagraphView-based View

One of the Newton 2.x OS Q&As
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This document was exported on 7/23/97.

NEW: Finding the Caret In a clParagraphView-based View (5/12/97)

Q: I have a view based on clParagraphView and would like to find the current position of the caret within that view so that I can scroll to it. Is there a way to do this?

A: Yes, there is a clParagraphView method called caretRelativeToVisibleRect that you can use.

This method takes the global coordinates of the visible region of the paragraph view as an argument. It returns either 'inbox, 'top, 'left, 'bottom, 'right, or nil. Below is a list of what each return value signifies.

paragraphView:CaretRelativeToVisibleRect( visibleBox )

Return Value Meaning
'inbox The caret is positioned inside the visible region.
'top The caret is above the visible region.
'bottom The caret is below the visible region.
'left The caret is to the left of the visible region.
'right The caret is to the right of the visible region.
nil The view has no caret.