Customizing Filters with Labelled Input Lines

One of the Newton 2.x OS Q&As
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Customizing Filters with Labelled Input Lines (9/4/96)

Q: I need to open a slot view on a slot that isn't a standard data type (int, string, etc). How do I translate the data from the soup format to and from a string?

A: Here is some interim documentation on the filter objects that newtLabelInputLines (and their variants) use to accomplish their work.

A filter is an object, specified in the 'flavor slot of the newtLabelInputLine set of protos, which acts as a translator between the target data frame (or more typically a slot in that frame) and the text field which is visible to the user. For example, it's the filter for newtDateInputLines which translates the time-in-minutes value to a string for display, and translates the string into a time-in-minutes for the target data.

You can create your own custom filters by protoing to newtFilter or one of the other specialized filters described in Chapter 4 of the Newton Programmer's Guide.

When a newtLabelInputLine is opened, a new filter object is instantiated from the template found in the 'flavor slot for that input line. The instantiated filter can then be found in the filter slot of the view itself. The _parent slot of the instantiated filter will be set to the input line itself, which allows methods in the filter to get data from the current environment.

Here are the slots which are of interest. The first four are simply values that you specify which give you control over the recognition settings of the inputLine part of the field, and the rest are methods which you can override or call as appropriate.

Works like entryFlags in protoLableInputLine. This provides the 'viewFlags settings for the inputLine part of the proto -- the field the user interacts with.

Provides the 'textFlags settings for the inputLine part of the proto.

Provides the 'recConfig settings for the inputLine part of the proto.

Like the 'dictionaries slot used in recognition, Provides custom dictionaries if vCustomDictionaries is on in the recFlags slot.

Called when the inputLine needs to be updated. The function should read data out of the appropriate slot in the 'target data frame (usually specified in the 'path slot) and return a user-visible string form of that data. For example, for numbers the function might look like func() NumberStr(target.(path))

Called when the inputLine value changes. The result will be written into the appropriate slot in the 'target data frame. The string argument is the one the user has modified from the inputLine part of the proto. For example, for numbers the function might look like func(str) if StrFilled(str) then StringToNumber(str)

An optional function. If present, this method is called when the user taps on the label part of the item. It should create and display an appropriate picker for the data type. For the pre-defined filters, you may also wish to call this method to open the picker. You should store a reference to the filter in the picker view. Then if the user picks an item, send the filter instance a PickActionScript message. If the picker is cancelled, send a PickCancelledScript message.

Note: If this method is defined, a pick separator line and the text "Other..." will be added to the labelCommands array.

PickActionScript( newValue )
An optional function. This method should be called when the user selects something from the picker opened through the filter's Picker method. If you override this method be sure to call the inherited PickActionScript method.

An optional function. This method should be called when the user cancels the picker opened through the filter's Picker method. If you override this method be sure to call the inherited PickCancelledScript method.

Optional. This method is called when an inputLine that uses this filter is first opened. This method can be used to get data from the current environment (for example, the 'path slot of the inputLine) and adjust other settings as appropriate.