Limits on Soup Entry Size

One of the Newton 2.x OS Q&As
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This document was exported on 7/23/97.

Limits on Soup Entry Size (2/12/96)

Q: How big can I make my soup entries?

A: In practice, entries larger than about 16K will significantly impact performance, and 8K should be considered a working limit for average entry size. No more than 32K of text (total of all strings, keeping in mind that one character is 2 bytes) can go in any soup entry.

There is no size limit built into the NewtonScript language; however, another practical limit is that there must be space in the NewtonScript heap to hold the entire soup entry.

There is a hard upper limit of 64K on Store object sizes for any store type. With SRAM-based stores there is a further block size limit of 32K. Trying to create an entry larger than this will result in exceptions. These limits are for the encoded form that the data takes when written to a soup, which varies from the object's size in the NS heap.

Newton Backup Utility and Newton Connection Utility cannot handle entries larger than 32K.

Note that Virtual Binary Objects (VBOs) in Newton 2.0 are no subject to the same restrictions. If you can store large objects as VBOs, you can store more information in your soup entries by referencing those VBOs.