Custom Recognizers

One of the Newton 2.x OS Q&As
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This document was exported on 7/23/97.

Custom Recognizers (2/8/96)

Q: Can I build recognizers for gestures and objects other than those built into the Newton system?

A: In Newton 2.0 OS, theres no support to add custom recognizers using the Newton Toolkit. Stay tuned for more information concerning this.

Some recognition engines can work in a window separate from the edited text. For instance, writing a "w" in a special view might causes "w" to appear in the currently edited text view (the key view.) This type of recognition system can be implemented as a keyboard. If you want to use this approach, you might want to use a function in the Newton 2.0 Platform file that allows your keyboard to replace the built-in alphanumeric "typewriter" keyboard. See the Platform File Notes documentation for more information on the RegGlobalKeyboard function.