Opening the Corrector Window

One of the Newton 2.x OS Q&As
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This document was exported on 7/23/97.

Opening the Corrector Window (3/17/97)

Q: I want the corrector window available for the user at specific times, can I open it from within my application?

A: Yes, below is the code you should use to open the corrector window. For compatibility, you should always make sure the corrector exists. The corrector itself requires that a correctable key view exists.

local correctView := GetRoot().correct;
if correctView and (GetCaretBox() or GetHiliteOffsets()) then

Note: An older version of this Q&A (from 12/8/95) showed using GetKeyView as a test to make sure a correctable view was the key view. With the changes to the OS with the Newton 2.1 release that allow any view to be a key view, this is no longer a reliable test. The corrector will fail to open (generating a -48204 "bad path" error) if the key view does not support the caret or a selection. Calling GetCaretBox and GetHiliteOffsets is a more reliable test to see if a correctable view is available.