Programmatically Cancelling a Confirm Slip

One of the Newton 2.x OS Q&As
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This document was exported on 7/23/97.

Programmatically Cancelling a Confirm Slip (4/3/97)

Q: During an operation, I bring up a slip to ask the user if they really want to abort the operation. Before they answer, the operation may complete or be aborted anyway. I would like to remove the slip if this happens, much like the "Remount" slip is removed when a gripped card is ejected, reinserted, and then re-ejected.

A: There's no way to dismiss a ModalConfirm slip, because your code is paused waiting for the result. You can, however, remove an AsyncConfirm slip. The return value from AsyncConfirm (which is documented in the Newton Programmer's Guide as "unspecified") is actually a reference to the confirm view. Sending that view a Close message dismisses the slip. The callback function will not be called if this slip is removed in this way, so make sure your program handles that case.