// Copyright © 1993-94 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. constant kAppSymbol := '|Drawers:PIEDTS|; // ---- End Project Data ---- // ---- File drawers.t ---- mainView := {viewFlags: 1, viewFormat: 1265, viewBounds: {left: 16, top: 8, right: 216, bottom: 272}, declareSelf: 'base, viewclass: 74, debug: "mainView" }; _view000 := /* child of mainView */ {_proto: protoClosebox}; drawerView := /* child of mainView */ {viewBounds: {left: 14, top: 22, right: 186, bottom: 194}, viewFormat: 592, viewFlags: 576, _proto: protoDrawer, debug: "drawerView" }; // View drawerView is declared to mainView _view001 := /* child of drawerView */ {text: "Surprise!", viewBounds: {left: 29, top: 61, right: 152, bottom: 120}, buttonPressedScript: // Sample code copyright 1993-95 Apple Computer Inc. // written by Todd Courtois func() begin PlaySound(rom_funbeep); end, _proto: protoTextButton }; toggleButton := /* child of mainView */ {text: "Toggle", buttonClickScript: // Sample code copyright 1993-94 Apple Computer Inc. // written by Todd Courtois func() begin drawerView:Toggle(); // opens or closes appropriately end, viewBounds: {left: 68, top: 212, right: 140, bottom: 252}, _proto: protoTextButton, debug: "toggleButton" }; // View toggleButton is declared to mainView // ---- Beginning of section for non used Layout files ---- // End of output