// Copyright ©1993-94 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. constant kAppSymbol := '|Drawing:PIEDTS|; // ---- End Project Data ---- // ---- File Draw.t ---- _view000 := {title: "Drawing Examples", viewBounds: {left: -1, top: 0, right: 236, bottom: 325}, viewDrawScript: func() begin :DrawMe(); // just draw all the shapes end, myLine: nil, myRect: nil, myRoundRect: nil, myOval: nil, myWedge: nil , myPolygon: nil, myShape: nil, myRegion: nil, myPict: nil, myText: nil, myScaledPict: nil, myStyle: nil, DrawMe: func() begin /* There are two ways to pass shapes to DrawShape, either individual shape objects, or all of them inside an Array. We show both techniques in this sample. :DrawShape(myLine, myStyle); :DrawShape(myRect, myStyle); :DrawShape(myRoundRect, myStyle); :DrawShape(myOval, myStyle); :DrawShape(myWedge, myStyle); :DrawShape(myPolygon, myStyle); :DrawShape(myRegion, myStyle); :DrawShape(myPict, myStyle); :DrawShape(myText, myStyle); :DrawShape(myScaledPict, myStyle); */ :DrawShape([myLine, myRect, myRoundRect, myOval, myWedge, myPolygon, myRegion, myPict, myText, myScaledPict], myStyle); end, viewSetupDoneScript: func() begin // Create all the example shape objects. myLine := MakeLine(0,0, 20, 20); myRect := MakeRect(0,30,20,50); myRoundRect := MakeRoundRect(0, 60, 20, 80, 10); myOval := MakeOval(0, 90, 20, 110); myWedge := MakeWedge(0, 120, 20, 140, 0, 90); myPolygon := MakePolygon([0, 150, 20, 170, 20, 150]); local rectangle := MakeRect(0, 210, 30, 230); local oval := MakeOval(0, 220, 30, 240); myRegion := MakeRegion([rectangle, oval,]); myText := MakeText("Bob", 0, 250, 55, 270); myPict := MakePict([myLine, myRect, myRoundRect, myOval, myWedge, myPolygon, myRegion, myText], myStyle); // Do the PICT thing, adjust the PICT resource to the pict shape object. OffsetShape(myPict, 40, 5); myScaledPict := DeepClone(myPict); local startRect := ShapeBounds(myScaledPict); local endRect := {left: 80, top: 10, right: 150, bottom: 150,}; ScaleShape(myScaledPict, startRect, endRect); end, viewSetupFormScript: func() begin local a := GetAppParams(); self.viewBounds := RelBounds(a.appAreaLeft, a.appAreaTop, a.appAreaWidth, a.appAreaHeight); end, _proto: protoApp }; _view001 := /* child of _view000 */ {viewFlags: 545, viewFormat: 0, viewBounds: {left: 122, top: 18, right: 234, bottom: 138}, viewClickScript: func(unit) begin // We will lock the screen, do the drawing, and unlock // the screen. :LockScreen(true); :DoDrawing('DrawMe, nil); // :DrawMe(); // Don't do it this way, won't set up clipping etc. :LockScreen(nil); end, viewclass: 74 }; // ---- Beginning of section for non used Layout files ---- // End of output