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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 2 - Newton Works Draw Application / Draw Application Reference
Functions and Methods /


viewDefView:RegPatterns(sym, arrayOfPatterns)

Registers a set of gray tones or patterns to be used with the fill settings tool.

A symbol uniquely identifying your set of patterns, this symbol should include your developer signature.

An array of patterns or gray tones. Possible values are the kRGB_GrayXX constants, RGB values (as returned by *PackRGB), or a pattern, gray pattern, or dithered pattern. For more information on these values, see "Specifying Shades of Gray" and "Using Patterns, Gray Patterns, and Dithered Patterns".

return value
Undefined; do not rely on it.


For an example of using this method, see Listing 2-2.

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