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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 2 - Newton Works Draw Application / Using the Drawing Application Interface

Draw Application Methods

In addition to the *RegTool, *RegPatterns, and *RegStamps methods, and their unregistering counterparts discussed elsewhere in this chapter, the Draw application's viewDef contains three other methods of interest: *GetContents, *SetContents, and *GetCanvas. The *GetContents and *SetContents methods are used to manipulate the entire contents of the current drawing.

The *GetCanvas method returns a reference to the canvas view; a number of methods are defined in this view which are available to you. For more information on the canvas view, see "The Canvas and Its Methods".

The way you get a reference to the Draw application viewDef, to send these methods to, depends on the environment in which your code is executing.





if GetRoot().newtWorks AND Visible(GetRoot().newtWorks) then

begin local curNWApp := GetRoot().newtWorks.viewDefView; if GetVariable(curNWApp, 'currentdatatype) = 'drawPaper then begin local cont := curNWApp:GetContents(); local can := curNWApp:GetCanvas(); ... end; end;

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