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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 11 - Miscellaneous / Reference
Functions and Methods / Utility Functions


partFrame:ImportDisabled(unitName, majorVersion, minorVersion)

Called after an imported unit has been deactivated to perform housekeeping.

A symbol, the name of the unit.

An integer, the major version number of the unit.

An integer, the minor version number of the unit.

return value
Either the symbol 'ThrillMeChillMeFulfillMe or anything else.


The part should deal with the situation as gracefully as possible. For example, you could use alternative data, or put up a message slip with the Notify method and/or close your application.

If you return the symbol 'ThrillMeChillMeFulfillMe, the system attempts to re-resolve the imports. For example, if version 2 of unit foo is disabled and your package's *ImportDisabled script returns 'ThrillMeChillMeFulfillMe, the system looks for other versions of the objects in the unit foo.


Newton 2.0 OS sends this message, but ignores the return value.

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26 APR 1997

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