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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 1 - Newton Works / Newton Works Interface Reference
Newton Works Viewdef Slots and Methods /


viewDef:UpdateAllScrollers(view, totalHeightChanged, scrolledV, totalWidthChanged, scrolledH)

Updates the scroll bar controls.

The view (self).

A Boolean value indicating whether or not the height of the document has changed.

A Boolean value indicating whether or not the vertical scroller thumb needs to be updated.

A Boolean value indicating whether or not the width of the document has changed.

A Boolean value indicating whether or not the horizontal scroller thumb needs to be updated.

return value
Undefined; don't rely on it.


You call this Newton Works method to update the scroll bar controls to reflect the new scrolled position or size of the view. You should call this method when you open the view and anytime you make a change that affects the size of the view (for example, changing margins or displaying rulers or other control elements), the size of the document (for example, adding or removing information), or the scrolled position of the document.

*UpdateAllScrollers calls your methods GetScrollValues as needed to recalculate the internal scroller data structures.

Note that *UpdateAllScrollers needs to be called from your Scroll method if the scroll bar controls need visual updating.

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26 APR 1997

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