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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 11 - Miscellaneous / Reference
Functions and Methods / Built-In Applications


extrasDrawer:GetPartEntryData(entry) //platform file function

Returns a frame containing information about an Extras Drawer part entry.

An entry obtained from a part cursor; by using GetPartCursor.

return value
The frame returned has the following slots:

icon A bitmap object, containing the bitmap for the part icon displayed in the Extras Drawer on Newton 1.x and 2.0 operating systems.

iconPro A frame containing two pix families, for the highlighted icon and the normal icon to display in the Extras Drawer on Newton 2.1 OS. For more information on grey icons and pix families, see Chapter 6, "Drawing and Graphics 2.1."

text A string that is the text shown under the part icon.

labels A symbol identifying the Extras Drawer folder in which the part is filed. For a list of these see "Extras Drawer Folder Symbols".

appSymbol A symbol identifying the application, if the part frame has an app slot.

packageName A string that is the name of the package that contains the part.

This function is not defined in all ROM versions and is supplied by the NTK Platform file. Call it using this syntax:

call kGetPartEntryDataFunc with (entry);

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