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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /

Figures, Tables, and Listings

Chapter 1 Newton Works 1-1

Figure 1-1 Word processor display 1-3

Figure 1-2 Info picker 1-7

Figure 1-3 Title slip 1-8

Figure 1-4 Find slip 1-12

Figure 1-5 Status bar buttons 1-16

Figure 1-6 Tools picker 1-18

Table 1-1 FindChange parameters and actions 1-28

Chapter 2 Newton Works Draw Application 2-1

Figure 2-1 The Newton Works Draw application 2-2

Listing 2-1 Adding a tool to the Draw application's tool bar 2-4

Listing 2-2 Adding to the Draw application's fill tool 2-6

Listing 2-3 Adding stamps to the Draw application 2-7

Chapter 3 Word Processing Views 3-1

Figure 3-1 The displayed ruler 3-8

Figure 3-2 The TXWord button bar 3-17

Table 3-1 Use of application-defined methods in <10bat>*protoTXView 3-2

Table 3-2 Use of standard view system slots in <10bat>*protoTXView 3-3

Table 3-3 Paged versus non-paged views 3-5

Table 3-4 Scrolling methods of <10bat>*protoTXView 3-6

Listing 3-1 Initializing a word-processing view 3-9

Listing 3-2 Setting up a word-processing view 3-10

Listing 3-3 The SetScrollers method 3-11

Listing 3-4 The TXWord <10bat>*ViewUpdateScrollersScript method 3-11

Listing 3-5 The TXWord GetTextHeight method 3-13

Listing 3-6 The TXWord ViewScroll2DScript method 3-13

Listing 3-7 Reading a document from a soup 3-14

Listing 3-8 Closing the word-processing view 3-15

Listing 3-9 Storing a word-processing document 3-15

Listing 3-10 Changing the font in TXWord 3-17

Listing 3-11 Changing the font size in TXWord 3-18

Listing 3-12 Replacing the selcted text 3-19

Listing 3-13 Converting the selcted text to uppercase 3-20

Listing 3-14 Adding a recognized word to a word-processing view 3-21

Chapter 4 Keyboard Enhancements 4-1

Figure 4-1 The find slip when it is not the key view 4-10

Figure 4-2 The Find slip when it is the key view 4-11

Figure 4-3 A menu with and without its keyboard equivalents displayed 4-13

Figure 4-4 Command-key combination slip 4-14

Table 4-1 Command definition views 4-6

Table 4-2 System-level key assignments 4-15

Table 4-3 Notepad checklist and outline stationery command keys 4-17

Table 4-4 Names application command keys 4-17

Table 4-5 Dates application command keys 4-18

Table 4-6 In/Out box command keys 4-18

Table 4-7 Call log command keys 4-19

Table 4-8 BookPlayer command keys 4-19

Table 4-9 Summary of keystroke-handling methods and functions 4-20

Table 4-10 Text flags to specify the kind of keystrokes a view accepts 4-23

Table 4-11 Summary of command key methods and functions 4-24

Table 4-12 New default button lists 4-30

Table 4-13 Key codes for special keys 4-33

Table 4-14 Key event-processing script flags 4-41

Listing 4-1 Calling a key-command method from a picker 4-9

Listing 4-2 A key command array 4-25

Listing 4-3 Defining key-commands in the ViewSetupFormScript method 4-26

Listing 4-4 Removing key-commands 4-27

Listing 4-5 An example of a ViewCaretActivateScript method 4-28

Chapter 6 Drawing and Graphics 2.1 6-1

Figure 6-1 The effect of a mask for a pix family 6-4

Figure 6-2 An oval shape with selection handles 6-6

Figure 6-3 Four black and white pixels 6-7

Figure 6-4 The anti-aliasing effect on a bitmap that has been reduced by 50% 6-8

Figure 6-5 The 4-bit grayscale palette 6-9

Figure 6-6 Two bitmaps combined with the different transfer modes 6-17

Figure 6-7 A textBox 6-20

Figure 6-8 Overlapping ovals 6-22

Table 6-1 Truth table for modeBic 6-25

Listing 6-1 Code to add an icon and iconPro slot to a part frame 6-16

Listing 6-2 Function to retrieve ink shapes from a clEditView 6-20

Chapter 7 Sound 7-1

Figure 7-1 Sound stationery 7-3

Figure 7-2 Sound recorder slip 7-4

Figure 7-3 protoRecorderView 7-8

Figure 7-4 Tone envelope 7-22

Table 7-1 Sound recorder slots you can set 7-11

Table 7-2 Sound synthesis types 7-20

Table 7-3 Sound device constants 7-26

Table 7-4 Codec constants 7-27

Table 7-5 Compression constants 7-27

Table 7-6 Data type constants 7-28

Table 7-7 protoRecorderView state constants 7-36

Table 7-8 Sound interface error codes 7-52

Listing 7-1 Sound input 7-12

Chapter 9 IrDA Communication Tool 9-1

Table 9-1 Summary of IrDA tool options 9-9

Table 9-2 IrDA discovery option fields 9-11

Table 9-3 IrDA discovery option probe slots constants 9-12

Table 9-4 IrDA discovery option service hint constants 9-13

Table 9-5 IrDA connection information option fields 9-15

Table 9-6 Disconnect warning event values 9-18

Table 9-7 IrDA tool error codes 9-20

Chapter 11 Miscellaneous 11-1

Figure 11-1 A view created from protoPasswordSlip 11-8

Figure 11-2 A view based on <10bat>*protoBlindEntryLine 11-11

Figure 11-3 Screen orientation constants 11-12

Table 11-1 Clipboard data types accepted by the system 11-4

Appendix A Newton Toolkit Enhancements A-1

Figure A-1 NTK's picture slot editor A-2

Figure A-2 NTK's Application Icon pane of the Project Setting dialog A-4

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26 APR 1997

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