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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 11 - Miscellaneous / Reference
Functions and Methods / Views



Sets the contents of the clipboard.

A clipboard data frame, as described in "Clipboard Data Frame", or nil to clear the clipboard. In addition to the slots in a normal clipboard data frame, you may include an xy slot in clipboardData:

xy A frame with two slots x and y. Each slot contains an integer specifying the offset from the origin, in global coordinates, of the label's position on the screen. By default, the clipboard label is placed on the left side of the screen, a little below the top.

return value
Undefined; do not rely on it.


You can use this function to perform a paste, use *GetClipboard to get the contents, then call *SetClipboard with nil to clear the clipboard.

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26 APR 1997

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