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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 11 - Miscellaneous / Reference


This proto allows the user to create a new password or enter an existing password without echoing the password in plain text. The typed keys appear as bullets in the input line. A view created from *protoPasswordSlip is shown in Figure 11-1. Note that the slip does not include an embedded keyboard when created on a Newton device with a hardware keyboard attached.

Figure 11-1 A view created from protoPasswordSlip

This proto exists in Newton 2.0 OS, but was not
previously documented.
This proto has one slot of interest:

Slot description

The symbol 'verifyOnly, true, or nil. This slot determines if the password slip is used to just ask for a password, or if it is used to change a password.
A value of 'verifyOnly specifies a password slip that queries a user for a password, but does not allow the user to change the password. In this case, the slip includes only a "Password" entry line.
A value of true means the user is queried for the old password, and may also change the password. This is the default. In this cases the slip has all three entry lines: "Password," "New Password," and "Confirm Password."
A value of nil means the can change the password without entering the old one. In this case the slip includes only the "New Password" and "Confirm Password" entry lines.
This proto has the following methods of interest:

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26 APR 1997

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