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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /

Chapter 10 eMate Multi-User Mode

In some classrooms, eMate units are shared among several students who keep their work on the eMate for several days or longer. A particular eMate unit may be used by several different people in one day. This requires the ability to protect each student's data from other students. The teacher can do this by setting up the unit to operate in Classroom mode with multiple users.

The password-protected Teacher Setup application allows the teacher to choose the unit's operating mode (Classroom mode or Full Newton System mode); to select which built-in applications will be available to users in Classroom mode; and to set up user accounts on the unit. When the unit is in Classroom mode and it wakes up, the user is required to log in before they can begin using the unit. Depending on how the teacher has configured the unit, the user may be required to enter a password in addition to their user name.

Note that there is a distinction between Classroom mode and multi-user mode. The unit must be in Classroom mode in order to be in multi-user mode, but it can be in Classroom mode without being in multi-user mode. Classroom mode limits the applications available in the Extras Drawer, while multi-user mode allows multiple users of the unit to keep their data separate.

Applications designed to be used with eMate, including Newton Works, create a separate soup for each user, as well as a generic soup that is used when the unit is in Full Newton System mode. Applications not modified to work with eMate in multi-user mode will work just as they do on other Newton units--all users can see all data.

After logging in, the user can begin work on the eMate. For all applications that have been written to work in multi-user mode, the user sees only the data that has been created by himself or herself. For other applications (including all of the built-in applications besides Newton Works) the user sees all of the data.

Other users' data is hidden in separate soups for each user. The name of the user associated with a soup is saved in the soup information frame in the userName slot. Each multi-user-aware application displays data only from the soup corresponding to the current user. Each application must register to be notified of changes to the current user variable (KCurrentUser) in the system user configuration data so that it can change users after the eMate wakes up.

In a multi-user aware application, if the user switches to Full Newton System mode from Classroom mode, the generic (accessible to all users) soup should be shown.

Chapter Contents
Using Multi-user Mode
User Configuration Variables
Functions and Methods
Summary of Multi-User Mode
User Configuration Variables
Functions and Methods

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26 APR 1997

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