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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 9 - IrDA Communication Tool

IrDA Tool Option Reference

This section describes the IrDA communication tool options in detail. Table summarizes the options used with the IrDA tool.

Table 9-1 Summary of IrDA tool options
kCMOIrDADiscoveryInformation"irdi"Discovers other IrDA devices within beaming range.
kCMOIrDAConnectInformation"irci"Finds name of service to use, or registers service provided by the unit.
kCMOIrDAReceiveBuffers"irrb"Sets size and number of receive buffers.
kCMOIrDALinkDisconnectTimeout"irld"Sets the timeout period.
kCMOIrDAConnectUserData"ircd"Advanced option to send or receive out of band data.
kCMOIrDAConnectAttrName"irca"Advanced option to register under a different attribute name.
kCMOSerialBitRate"sbps"Changes the bps rate.
kCMOSlowIRConnect"irco"Controls how the connection is made.
kCMOSlowIRStats"irst"Read-only option returns statistics about the data received and sent.

Note that the last three options, kCMOSerialBitRate, kCMOSlowIRConnect, and kCMOSlowIRStats, are listed here because they can be used with the IrDA tool, but these options exist in the Newton 2.0 OS--they are not new in 2.1. They are documented in the Newton Programmer's Reference under the asynchronous serial tool (kCMOSerialBitRate) and the infrared tool (kCMOSlowIRConnect and kCMOSlowIRStats).

Discovery Option
Connection Information Option
Receive Buffers Option
Link Disconnect Option
Connect User Data Option
Attribute Name Option
IrDA Tool Error Codes

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