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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 9 - IrDA Communication Tool

Using the IrDA Tool

Clients of the IrDA tool access it using the Endpoint interface. The IrDA tool service identifier is kCMSIrDA ("irda"). Here is an example of how to create an endpoint that uses the IrDA communication tool:

myIrDAEP := {_proto:protoBasicEndpoint};

myOptions := [ { label: kCMSIrDA, type: 'service, opCode: opSetRequired } ]; results := myIrDAEP:Instantiate(myIrDAEP, myOptions);

All IrDA options are evaluated at endpoint Connect/Listen time only. For your convenience, the options may be specified earlier at instantiate or bind time, at connect/listen time, or even after a connection has been established, but they will only be processed (evaluated) at connect/listen time. Once the connection has been established, you must disconnect and reconnect to change the options.

Making a Connection
Getting IrDA Tool Information
Slow IR Connect Option

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