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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 1 - Newton Works / Newton Works Interface Reference
Newton Works Viewdef Slots and Methods /



Called conditionally when the user chooses Help from the information picker.

The soup entry currently being displayed in the view.

return value
If the default behavior of opening the help book is desired, return 'loadHelp from this method; otherwise, return any other value.


If this method exists, it will be called when the user chooses Help from the information picker when the viewDef is visible, instead of the default behavior of using the slots viewHelpTopic and helpManual to open a help book. However, you can still open a help book by returning the symbol 'loadHelp from this method.


For more information, see the section "Providing Help".

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26 APR 1997

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