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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 7 - Sound / Sound Reference


This proto for a sound frame is new for Newton OS 2.1. Not only does it contain all the slots described as valid for sound frame objects (page 7-28), but it also includes some methods that make it easier to work with. Note that sound frames that are not derived from *protoSoundFrame do not support these methods. To convert an older sound frame to use this proto, simply add a _proto slot containing the magic pointer for *protoSoundFrame.

Besides all the slots in older sound frame objects (page 7-28), *protoSoundFrame includes the additional length slot and the methods described in this section.

Slot description

The number of sound samples stored in the samples slot. This slot is set only by the *SetRecordingLength method of *protoSoundFrame.
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26 APR 1997

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