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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 1 - Newton Works / Newton Works Interface Reference
Newton Works DataDef Slots and Methods /


dataDef:InfoBoxExtract(target, maxSize, viewDefView)

Called conditionally by Newton Works when the user opens the title slip, to get extra information to add to the title slip.

The current entry in Newton Works.

A bounds frame defining the maximum size of the shape you can return. It contains the slots left, top, right, and bottom.

The viewDef for the target.

return value
Return an array of one or more shapes, which are added to the bottom of the title slip, or nil if you don't want to add any extra information.


The shapes you return must fit inside the rectangle described by maxSize. Typically you don't need the maximum size, so just return a shape that is smaller than this size. Newton Works puts the shape you return at the bottom of the Title slip, making the slip just big enough to hold the shape you return.

This method is optional. If you don't supply it, no extra information is added to the title slip.

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