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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 6 - Drawing and Graphics 2.1 / Using Drawing and Graphics in the Newton 2.1 OS

Specifying Shades of Gray

The following constants are defined which specify 4-bit grayscale values:

kRGB_Gray0, kRGB_Gray1, kRGB_Gray2, ... , kRGB_Gray15

Black is kRGB_Gray15, and can also be referred to by the constant kRGB_Black. White is kRGB_Gray0, for which the constant kRGB_White is also defined. These values can be used anywhere a color needs specifying, in a graphic shape, in a font spec frame, and as a view's fill, frame, or line pattern. The sixteen gray tones are shown in Figure 6-5.

Figure 6-5 The 4-bit grayscale palette

The constant kRGB_16GrayIncrement is also quite useful. This constant equals the difference between two gray tones. For example, the following expression evaluates to true:

kRGB_Gray3 = (3 * kRGB_16GrayIncrement) + kRGB_Black;

Specifying RGB Triplets

You can specify a gray tone as an RGB (red-green-blue) triplet. These are mapped to gray tones at run time. They can be used anywhere the kRGB_GrayXX values are used. RGB triplets are represented as packed integers.

There are a number of utility functions provided to deal with packed RGB integers:

myView.viewFillPattern := PackRGB (0x8888, 0xFFFF, 0x21AA);

0 = GetTone( PackRGB (0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF) );//white

1 = GetTone( PackRGB (0xFFFF, 0xCCCC, 0xFFFF) );//a very light gray

IsEqualTone( PackRGB(0,0,0), PackRGB(2,7,88) ); // returns true

IsEqualTone( PackRGB(0,0,0), PackRGB(2000,7000,8800) );// returns nil

local thePackedInt := PackRGB( 0, 0x1111, 0xFFFF);

GetBlue (thePackedInt); // this returns an integer close to 0xFFFF

*GetRed(*PackRGB(r,g,b)) might not return r. All that is guaranteed is that the return value of this function call
is an integer close to r.

UnPackRGB(PackRGB(r,g,b)); //returns integers close to r, g, and b

Using Patterns, Gray Patterns, and Dithered Patterns

The following sections provide information about the three types of patterns that can be drawn. You should read "Black and White Patterns" even if you want to create one of the other patterns.

Black and White Patterns

A black and white pattern is specified as a 8-byte binary object of class 'pattern, representing an 8x8 bitmap. The system has five built-in patterns, which you can reference through the constants vfWhite, vfLtGray, vfGray, vfDarkGray, and vfBlack. You may also define your own patterns.

To create a pattern, use the NTK function *MakeBinaryFromHex. It takes a class symbol and a sting with an even number of hex digits, each set of two digits defining a byte in the binary object.

The following example creates a simple striped pattern, and stores it in a constant, since *MakeBinaryFromHex is available at build-time, but not at run-time):

DefineGlobalConstant ( 'kMyBlackAndWhitePattern,

MakeBinaryFromHex ("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", 'pattern) );

Each A has the binary representation 1010, making for the following 8x8 bitmap:


10101010 10101010 10101010 10101010 10101010 10101010 10101010

Gray Patterns

Gray patterns are binary objects with the class 'grayPattern. A gray pattern consists of an 8x8 pattern of pixels, each of which is specified as an RGB triplet. Each color component is specified with two bytes, making for 6 bytes per pixel. You do not, however, need to specify all 64 RGB triplets. The following rules are used when a gray pattern has less than 64 pixels:

The following example creates a 1-pixel pattern in a dark tone of gray:

DefineGlobalConstant ( 'kMyOnePixelGrayPattern,

MakeBinaryFromHex ("AAAAFFFF6666" , 'grayPattern) );

This next example creates a striped pattern as in "Black and White Patterns", using 2 pixels in different tones of gray:

DefineGlobalConstant ( 'kMyTwoPixelGrayPattern,

MakeBinaryFromHex ("999999999999555555555555", 'grayPattern) );

A gray pattern can be a very large object. Specify only as much of a pattern as you need, and try to keep your patterns simple. With a simple pattern you frequently can take advantage of the duplication done by the system when less than 64 pixels are defined. Also consider using a dithered pattern if you only need two tones of gray. A dithered pattern requires about as much memory as a gray pattern with five pixels defined.

Dithered Patterns

If you need a two-toned pattern, you can use the 'ditherPattern class to create a "black and white" pattern, and assign one tone of gray to the "black" pixels, and another tone to the "white" pixels. A dithered pattern is defined as a frame of the following format:


class: 'ditherPattern, pattern: aBlackAndWhitePattern, // a 'pattern (e.g. vfGray) foreground: kRGB_Gray0, // kRGB_Gray0 through kRGB_Gray15 background: kRGB_Gray15, // kRGB_Gray0 through kRGB_Gray15 }

The pattern slot contains a black and white pattern object as described in "Black and White Patterns"; this includes the built-in black and white patterns of the vfGray family. The foreground slot defines the tone of gray of the black pixels (the 1's), and the background slot defines the tone of the white pixels (the 0's).

The *MakeDitheredPattern function creates frames of this format. You should use this function instead of creating your own frame, as this ensures that the frame map is shared.

The following example creates the striped black and white pattern with two shades of gray, this pattern has fatter stripes than the one in "Black and White Patterns":

DefineGlobalConstant ( 'kMyStripedBWPattern,

MakeBinaryFromHex ("F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0", 'pattern) ); DefineGlobalConstant ( 'kMyDitheredPattern , MakeDitheredPattern(kMyStripedBWPattern, kRGB_Gray3, kRGB_Gray9) );

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