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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 6 - Drawing and Graphics 2.1 / About Drawing and Graphics in the Newton 2.1 OS


The PostScript driver in Newton OS versions prior to 2.1 substituted actual gray tones for dithered patterns such as vfGray, vfLtGray, etc. This substitution is no longer performed, so gray views that previously printed fine might now look awkward in black and white dots.

Text is always drawn in black in Newton 1.x and 2.0 OS. A new style frame slot textPattern has been added. Furthermore, if DrawShape draws text without a textPattern slot, it is drawn in the tone specified by fillPattern. This second change can cause compatibility problems, text in a shape array drawn with a vfWhite fillPattern, for example, is displayed in Newton 1.x and 2.1 OS, but the text is not shown in Newton 2.1 OS.

The following functions are new to Newton 2.1 OS: *FindShape, *GetMaskedPixel, *GetBlue, *GetGreen, *GetPointsArrayXY, *GetRed, *GetTone, view:*GrayShrink, *IsEqualTone, *MakeInk, *MakeTextBox, *MungeShape, *PackRGB, and *PictToShape.

The following functions have been changed in Newton 2.1 OS: *GetStrokePointsArray, *MakeBitmap, and *MakeShape.

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