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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 6 - Drawing and Graphics 2.1 / About Drawing and Graphics in the Newton 2.1 OS

About Gray Extras Drawer Icons

Gray icons are added to a part in the new part frame slot iconPro. Newton 1.x and 2.0 OS use the icon slot. The 2.1 OS displays the icon in the iconPro slot, if there is one, otherwise it displays the icon in the icon slot. The format of the icon in the iconPro slot is differs from that of the icon in the icon slot. The iconPro slot contains two pix families, for normal and highlighted versions of the icon. The highlighted version of the icon is shown when the icon is selected.

For parts without an iconPro slot, the Newton 2.1 OS uses the icon slot. These icons are highlighted by xor'ing the mask as in Newton 1.x and 2.0 OS, since these icons do not have a highlighted version. However, when displaying old icons in the button bar, the highlighting effect is simply to invert the text label. The xor'ing doesn't work properly over the non-white background of the button bar. Extras Drawer icons should contain a mask for this reason. The mask should be slightly larger than the icon image to provide a vignette effect when on an non-white background.

NTK 1.6.4 provides a special editor for creating gray form part (application) icons. You must do this programmatically for icons of other parts with the NTK 1.6.4 function *MakeExtrasIcons. See "Creating Gray Extras Drawer Icons".

Currently support exists for creating gray Extras Drawer icons only from the Mac OS version of NTK. Future versions of WinNTK will make gray icons.

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